The Marley name means "From the land of lakes". The Marley are autonomous, free and rights. They are also voluntary, rigorous and demanding with themselves. Under an appearance sometimes authoritarian or even strict, they hide a real sensitivity. At first, the Marley intimidate. It takes some time to discover their softness under their shell. In reality, Marley - girls and boys - can be vulnerable, that's probably where hiding their fragility. Sometimes aware of this weakness, they protect themselves in isolation, the risk of sounding beings who refuse to communicate. Fortunately, they do not isolate themselves in their long bubble. Once in trust, they are courteous and pleasant and quickly prove they love to surround themselves with family and friends. The Marley are warm, generous. They like to turn to another, stay tuned. They can give a lot of love and affection. They appreciate as much to receive loved ones. The Marley are determined. This helps them to achieve their goal at any cost, but always with respect for loyalty.