The Leelou name is the first name Lilou derivative itself obtained from Lili and Lou names. originally found these names lilium the Latin root meaning "Lys". In prénommant Leelou your child, expect to see grow up a girl who will put among its priorities, human contact and relationships with others. Communicative, Leelou control all codes to discuss, exchange, debate with the people around him, sometimes in order to learn from others, other times with the objective of the appeal and convince. Always cheerful, Leelou known to be extremely present to advise or help his friends and family members. Talkative, she experiences many difficulties to remain passive in a discussion. Professionally, Leelou possesses the character and qualities to be of service to others. The areas of trade, management, human resources, medicine and pediatrics are among its possible choices of career. In love, Leelou needs to feel loved by a romantic partner and to fully engage in the long term in his love life.