The Aliya name comes from a Hebrew word that refers to the return to the Holy Land today and immigration to Israel. It literally means "ascent" or "spiritual elevation". Aliya is a woman of character. With a strong personality, she showed courage and ambition. It is sometimes bossy and impatient when we bar her way, and she often experience a need to be physically active to feel good. She is loyal nature, direct and honest. It is also a proud person who, despite his stern appearance, proves to be a sensitive and emotional woman. Faced with adversity, especially during emotional crisis, it tends to fall back on itself. The Aliya need passion to progress. Tender, they are insatiable love. Active and energetic, they are sometimes difficult to follow. Among their qualities, that they transmit their passion to those around them. Thus, they are often surrounded. Child, Aliya is frank and honest. She needs to find his balance and satisfy his appetite for competition by practicing a sport. The arts could also create interest once become adult.