Tia The name means "princess" in Egyptian, but it also has another meaning in Slavic, which is "Fairy". Born under a lucky star, Tia luck on his side. This is a woman who knows skillfully seize the opportunities presented to it, and ideally use its relations to carry out its projects. Emotionally speaking, this is a woman who feels the good and the bad shots. It is realistic, Cartesian, and is not lost in unrealistic dreams. She knows exactly what she wants, and do not let anyone influence or dictate his conduct. At work she is not joking, because for her, everything must be done in time. It puts the control in everything she does, even if he sometimes to show a certain laxity, or even outright to drop by fear of failure. Although Tia is a frank and honest woman, he happens to keep some thoughts to herself, that may be offensive or upsetting to others. She hates the superficial, and always weighs his words before speaking.