This name can be translated as "young assistant ceremonies" in Etruscan. Milla is a woman who likes to take care of it. It is absolutely unthinkable that so the street if her outfit is not flawless. She can spend hours leafing through fashion magazines or watch makeup tutorials. Very refined, Milla does not understand that a person does not take care of his appearance, and does not hesitate to know. Judged sometimes superficial, it nevertheless reveals a trusted friend on whom you can rely in all circumstances. Milla is a very sociable woman who likes to be surrounded by her friends. For them, it is ready for any sacrifice. She always responds present when necessary to help a loved one in need. It's also a woman who hates go unnoticed. Love him or hate, the principal in his eyes is that we talk about it. She makes it a point of honor to be the center of attention! Milla speaks loudly, laughed uproariously, and has a clear opinion on just about everything. Very honest, he sometimes does not take tweezers to address his interlocutor. Make or break with Milla! Professionally, it needs to be recognized by his superiors. It does not count the hours to grow within the company. It may be anxious about the precarious business, and needs some financial stability to blossom fully. Very independent, Milla hard to engage emotionally. Paradoxically, the creation of a home is one of the goals of his life.