The name is derived from Louane Elouan. It comes from the Celtic and lou el, meaning "wealth" and "light." Courageous and energetic Louane is a very active woman who never stays in place. Curious, she has the spirit of a great adventurer. However it is a woman rather shy, discreet and reserved, often doubt itself. Ambitious and determined, Louane shows applied, serious and determined. Honest and dedicated also Louane is a faithful friend on whom you can always count on when needed. She stood firm when the context requires, and also knows how to be flexible if necessary. His life is dictated by unwavering principles that are the pillars of his conduct. Girl, it can be quite likely and is then seen sulking in his corner. Louane needs affection and demonstrations of love to flourish and gain confidence in it necessary for his well-being. She constantly seek to please or please the people around him for fear of losing them.