In Arabic, "elinor" means "God is light." In Greek, "eleos" is the term used to talk about compassion. Eleanor is a woman who loves the franchise, and hates injustice. Knowing is conciliatory when necessary, Eleanor is one of those women also able to annoy and even to take when a situation disturbed. Reputed to be fairly direct, Eleanor shows spontaneous in his actions and his words. Worried about her appearance, Eleanor is sensitive to external signs of wealth, much to her than the people around him. Outgoing, adventurous, Eleanor is the sentimental someone around. Possessive, she tired easily a relationship where the partner does not show enough signs of affection. Passionate, Eleanor and saw most often turbulent love stories. Professionally, Eleanor has a confidence in it that allows it to access easily to business she covets. Many praise his analytical skills and his ability to have an overall view rather than wasting time in the details.